
For the other side of the coin, see: .

The Miller, His Son and the Donkey

The Miller, His Son, and the Donkey

«Please all → Please None»

Jennifer Lawrence about people criticising her looks


«This is hilarious. First, people say how many actresses in Hollywood look too anorexic, and now they are criticizing me for looking too normal.»

The Colour of the Bikeshed / Parkinson’s Law of Triviality

Parkinson’s Law of Triviality

Why should I Care What Color the Bikeshed is?

"The really, really short answer is that you should not. The somewhat longer answer is that just because you are capable of building a bikeshed does not mean you should stop others from building one just because you do not like the color they plan to paint it. This is a metaphor indicating that you need not argue about every little feature just because you know enough to do so. Some people have commented that the amount of noise generated by a change is inversely proportional to the complexity of the change."

The song “Keep on Singing My Song” by Christina Aguilera

The song "Renegade" by Cimorelli

Attributed Quote by Linus Torvalds

My most important job [as the leader of the Linux Kernel project] is to say “No.”.

Feature-creep / Featuritis

Feature creep

Feature creep, creeping featurism or featuritis is the ongoing expansion or addition of new features in a product, such as in computer software. Extra features go beyond the basic function of the product and so can result in software bloat and over-complication rather than simple design.

/r/programming feature: “What Have We Learned from This Open Source Project”

On /r/programming

Original article

Every change will ruin someone’s day. They will be sure to tell you about it. The same change will improve someone's day. You will not hear of this.

Two kinds of programming languages

There are only two kinds of [programming] languages: the ones people complain about and the ones nobody uses.

Bjarne Stroustrup

It's not about buying Video Games

The key to failure:

I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.

— Herbert Bayard Swope (1882-1958), misattributed to Bill Cosby

Wil Wheaton about a Bad Review of his book

Well, right now I need to examine my life, and I need to be totally honest with myself. I have to own up to something: I *did* hope that my book would get noticed by the Industry. I hoped that it would get noticed by critics, and I hoped that The Media would pay attention . . . but all that happened after it was published. When I wrote it, I hoped that my story would be amusing, interesting, and maybe even inspiring to people. And you know what? That’s exactly what Real People tell me when they read my book: they were amused, interested, and occassionaly inspired.

What a myopic fucking fool I’ve been! What a stupid, stupid jerkass! I was so worried about impressing The Cool Kids, I forgot who I am, and why I do this. And even worse, I disrespected — even if unintentionally — the very people who have been with me on The Journey all along. It’s not some stupid magazine that owes *me* an apology; it’s *me* who owes all those Real People an apology.”

I turned to Anne. “I know what I’m going to write when we get home.”

“Good,” she said. “Just let it go.”

“I just did.”


One commentor written there:

Wil, No need to apologize. You did nothing wrong. Everyone (who isn’t a sociopath, that is) has feelings, and they’re fragile. It’s tough to grow a thick skin.

-- Jeannette

Excerpt from Selina Mandrake - The Slayer

D’Artagnan: Milady, que se passe-t-il? [ = “Milady, what’s the matter?” ]

Milady Kate: Rien [ = “nothing”. She is crying.].

D’Artagnan: Il y a évidemment quelque chose qui ne va pas. Pourquoi pleurez-vous? [ = “something is obviously the matter. Why are you crying?”]

Milady Kate: D’accord. Comme je ne porte plus le deuil et que je semble heureuse, les autres femmes croient que j’ai tué mon mari. [ = “OK. The other women think I killed my husband because I’m now no longer grieving and because I seem happy.”]

D’Artagnan: Sottises! On peut à la fois être triste et heureux pour des raisons différentes. [ = “nonsense. You can be sad and happy at the same time, for two different things.” ]

Milady Kate: Oui, oui. [ = “yes. yes.”]

D’Artagnan: Laissez-moi vous dire ceci [takes her hands]. Je comprends que vous soyez troublée, mais sachez que ces personnes ne vous veulent que du tort et vous ne devriez pas laisser les paroles grossières ou méprisantes vous affecter. Vous valez mieux que ça. [= “Let me tell you this . It’s OK to receive insults, it’s OK to be offended, but you need to know that ultimately the other person just does not mean well, and that you should not get them to hurt you. You’re better than that.”]

Milady Kate: M. d’Artagnan, vous êtes très sage pour votre âge. [= “M. d’Artagnan, you are quite wise for your age.”]

D’Artagnan: Merci, Milady. Je tâcherai que ça ne me monte pas à la tête. [= “Thank you, Milady. I will not let it go to my head.”]

[ They both smile. ]


Excerpt from Queen Padmé Tales

Padmé: I should note that I invited your wives, to help me beta test a new clothes selector product by me giving them clothes.

Worf: yes, they complain they don't have enough to wear.

Padmé: Yes, it is really Sabrina-style. I was offered early access and accepted, and ended up finding a few bugs. They were fixed.

Worf: Heh, nice. Were you paid for that?

Padmé: Well… if I pay, commentators complain; if I get paid, commentators complain; if it's a free gift, they also complain.

Twilight Sparkle: You can never please everypony!

Big Mac: ayyup!

Gowron: Story of my life… of everypony's, heh.

The song "Human" by Rag'n'Bone Man

I'm only human, after all. Don't put the blame on me.